Great news! Kamala promises to fight inflation on day 1!

With inflation currently at around 3% obviously something is working.

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then why is this so “day one” important?

is she just spouting talking points like a mindless parrot? democrats love that sort of thing


Ok, I got a giggle out of that.


12% in 74
13% in 79
12.5% in 80.

So, not a record.

pbs wrong? how?

The limited their timeframe to 40 years. And you fell for it thinking it’s a record.

It most assuredly is not.

Did you even read the thing you posted?

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My understanding that 3% figure doesn’t take into account the previous 20% rise in prices.


For most people it was. Highest ever in there lifetime…or at least there adult lifetime.

It is discernibly not a record. You don’t have to make excuses for it. The statement is factually incorrect.

Who gives a ■■■■■ It wiped out a ■■■■ ton of people’s disposable income and still does. All time record or not. :roll_eyes:

She doesn’t have plan to do anything about it, except for keeping the status quo.


That’s only a record in MY lifetime, not some rando single lib in their twilight years, so it’s all good (D)og! :rofl:


Facts remain…everyone under 44 never seen inflation like this.

Another fact…everyone under 60 haven’t experienced inflation like this.

Another fact…65 percent of population haven’t experienced or to deal with inflation.

Those are the facts.


Excellent movement of the goal post.

And more evidence of how radically divorced from fact that Republicans tend to be.

More facts.

166 million Americans are under 40…that means this is record inflation they ever experienced in there lifetime.

Another fact…about 210 million Americans weren’t even born when man last walked on the moon.

Chew on that libs…

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You said and I will quote.

I said

Facts remain…for majority of Americans it was a record inflation in there lifetime.

That is a fact…not one of your feelings.

Don’t like facts?


I was wondering…can anyone point me to Trump’s plan to tackle inflation?

Man, you guys just gotta move the goalposts on everything. Nobody said anything about “in there (sic) lifetime”.

Not a record. It’s simple and measurable.

He’ll take credit for the current 3% rate.

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For most Americans…it is a record for them. That’s a fact.