GREAT AGAIN: USA Becomes World’s Largest Oil Producer, Tops RUSSIA, SAUDI ARABIA

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The United States energy sector continued to smash expectations under President Trump in 2018, with new reports claiming the USA is now likely the world’s largest exporter of crude oil.

According to data released by the United States Energy Information Administration, US crude oil exports topped Saudi Arabia and Russia in August, reaching a whopping 10.9 million barrels per day.

“In February, U.S. crude oil production exceeded that of Saudi Arabia for the first time in more than two decades. In June and August, the United States surpassed Russia in crude oil production for the first time since February 1999,” writes the report.

“Although EIA does not publish crude oil production forecasts for Russia and Saudi Arabia in STEO, EIA expects that U.S. crude oil production will continue to exceed Russian and Saudi Arabian crude oil production for the remaining months of 2018 and through 2019,” adds Climate Depot.

Read the full report here.