Grand Jury material temporary blocked by Supreme court

No one is above the law? Then why didn’t Hillary get charged with her e-mail server? Everything from erasing everything on it, to telling investigators they went through every e-mail (then changed to we only used keyword searching when more were found). OOOh that’s right she didn’t intend to break any of those laws and no prosecutor would bring charges against her.


There is an impeachment inquiry… this is literally what this thread is about… getting the material to make the case for impeachment.

This is what the Supreme Court put a stay on.


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Honestly, that’s as logical an explanation as any. Because we are so far through the looking glass at this point it’s terrifying. Reality isn’t reality. Truth isn’t truth.

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Whataboutism… the last gasp.

Hey… remember the IG who did a report about Clinton’s Emails?

the President just fired that guy.

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I have to laugh when libs talk about being above the law…not after what we seen during Obama administration and actions of our top law/intel agencies. And as you pointed out…Hillary getting away with what she did.

Kind of hard to take em serious anymore.


The report where Mueller stated that he could not determine whether there was obstruction of justice or not? That report?
How many criminal cases have been brought where the opening statement by the prosecutor is that he cannot determine whether the defendant has committed a crime or not?
And do we really need a second impeachment where there is a foregone conclusion that there will be no “conviction”? Enough of feel good impeachments for Democrats.

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Because multiple investigations were completed by a whole plethora of investigators from a host of different law enforcement agencies under two different administrations, including Donald Trump, and they found what she did was not prosecutable. It’s not that hard of a question. Whataboutism does nothing here when the scenarios are not even in the same universe.

Holy crap… Groundhog Day yet again.

We just went through why there was no determination made.

Check…1 …2… Check… 1…2 … is this thing on?

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So you agree she was above the law then right?

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Fine. Comey decided that a “reasonable prosecutor” would not bring charges against Hillary.
Barr determined that Trump did not commit obstruction of justice.

I guess that proves it.

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Ground hog day? This whole Russia/cooperation/collusion/obstruction/impeachment is one big groundhog day.
Lets investigate Trump…again.
Don;t talk about groundhog day.
Its over.
There was a decision.

If so, for the fiftieth time. Groundhog day indeed.
Mueller didn’t decide. Barr did. Just like Comey.

I have to laugh when cons use unsubstantiated claims about a former administration to justify the acts of the current one.

They’ve had four years to bring charges or even mount a real investigation against Obama. Nothing. Four years and nothing. Don’t let nothing stop you from believing. If you really, truly believe Obama committed heinous atrocities, that’s all that matters. Even better, that faith in nothing gives Trump free reign. How comical.


It is groundhog day because every time every single point that has been brought up has been explained and explained and shown why it is wrong but it never ever ever sticks.

Every single time.

And then when it has been shown that the thing is wrong then it goes on to the next silly complaint.

In almost any other time in American History, the stuff that was in the Mueller Report would have ended that President.

I for the life of me can’t understand why people defend the indefensible.

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Um…no. She was found to have broken no laws by multiple investigative agencies. And damn sure not for lack of effort or trying to find something, anything, that could be proven in a court of law.

That’s the things with these conspiracy theories that are ginned up time and time again. When they are talk radio fodder, they can be believed because there is no actual consequence or accountability to the law itself to make accusations. But when it comes to the law itself, the case requires actual evidence and an ability to prove someone has broken the law they’re accused of.

So no, Clinton is not above the law. Only the President is above the law. Donald Trump alone is the only person in this country with that advantage.

Waiting for Durharm.

To find what?

Not much?

Because it is likely that is what will be found.

You might get something on that poor sap who tried to figure out what the status of Carter Page was… but that is about it.

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If Durham finds no criminal activity, I plan on accepting that, not trying to rehash it forever.

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Embrace those corrupt officials and pretend everything Obama did was by the book.

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They already impeached him.