I think it would have been great to be in the room with the grand jury when the prosecutor realized things had taken an unexpected turn.
He probably ■■■■ his pants.
“Well that wasn’t the way this was supposed to go. We beat that citizen for his own good. Why are we suddenly the villains here?”
Came home from a weekend away once. The back up battery on the sump was sounding, so I went down to the utility room straight away.
■■■■■■■ furnace was on fire. Of course at first glance I thought there must have been a gas leak and the whole thing was gonna blow up! But then I saw it was the electrical to and from the thermostats/servos. No idea how they caught fire, but the plastic covering was really making tall flames that lapped on the joists.
Ran upstairs to get the extinguisher while screaming ‘call 911!’ like a lunatic.
Back down and dowsed it out.
It really was only two wires, but the size of the flame was incredible.
So lucky that:
- We didn’t come home a minute later than we did
- The sump battery alarm was going off
- The extinguisher had a good charge
We have like two extinguishers in every room now…
Leitchfield is about 35 miles from me, and being the way it is, I have to assume the cop thought it was just another meth lab fire. Good for the jury doing the right thing.