GOWDY GOES OFF: Trey Says ‘NO EVIDENCE’ Trump Colluded, Schiff ‘Would Have Leaked It’

Originally published at: GOWDY GOES OFF: Trey Says ‘NO EVIDENCE’ Trump Colluded, Schiff ‘Would Have Leaked It’ | Sean Hannity

GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy utterly unloaded on the never-ending Russia investigation over the weekend, saying he has seen “no evidence” the Trump administration “colluded” with Russia to steal the 2016 presidential election.

Schiff was speaking with Fox News Sunday when he was asked to comment on special counsel Robert Mueller’s year-long probe; adding that if there were any credible evidence it would have already been leaked by Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff.

“I have not seen one scintilla of evidence that this president colluded, conspired, collaborated, with Russia. And neither has anyone else, or you can rest assured, Adam Schiff would have leaked it,” Gowdy said.

"That is why they have moved on from collusion on to obstruction of justice, which is now their current preoccupation,” he added.

That sounds like libel to me.

Fake News.

Hi Sean and crew love your work. Have followed all since before your president was duly elected, i wish he was in Australia, we need him here too.
I love the US having been there many times and i cannot believe how it has degenerated and yhe patriotism has sunk to such s low because of the election of the president.
Why cannot you use the laws available to you to silence the liberals and their henchmen and allow the predident to continue his amszing reforms?

Lol. Thanks for the chuckles.