Governor Cuomo Last Hope if Biden crashes?

Picking anyone but old kid sniffer and commie Bernie would be the end of the DNC.

No it wouldn’t and there are rules allow for it.

I didn’t cite an opinion read the op.

Inform yourself

I did a bunch of googling, and see no evidence whatsoever of this secret government ventilator program.

Cuomo isn’t running for President.

no you didn’t tell you didn’t even look to see if there were any articles talking about replacing Biden with Governor Cuomo

tell us something else we’re not all already completely well aware of

Ah, ok.

So you, and a conservative columnist for the Boston Herald are the only people who consider Cuomo to be a possible candidate for President.

That’s not the only article out there but then you didn’t look

You don’t seem aware since this whole thread is based on the theory he is going to run for President.

No, you don’t get it.

OP-Eds from conservative columnists are not evidence that anyone relevant considers them “possible candidates” for President.

The Transcript Trump comes off as child because another kid is more popular.

You could say that we have a Democrat Rudy on our hand America Governor.

It doesn’t matter how many conservative OP-Eds there are.

He’s not a possible candidate for President.

Just admit there was no such program, and that you just made that up.

We all know already.


Sure you did, tell us another windy.

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You actually make this fun.

How many Ventilators did the Gov of Texas buy.

Did you read that story before you linked to it?

Because it doesn’t mention your secret government ventilator program.

You posted the same link twice, without actually reading it either time.
