Government in Oregon is looking to end small family farms!

Yep - plus there’s a lot of corn syrup, fat, and other bad stuff in the typical American diet these days. I found out how bad when I had to have a stent put into a coronary artery.

I’ve totally changed my diet in the past few years. My family looks at me funny at get togethers these days and ask me why I’m not eating (or at least not eating all their fried crap - lol). That’s ok - I’d rather live a longer life and deal with a few funny looks here and there. I’ve lost 100 lbs. in the past year, so they can look all they want.


At least the bugs kick in extra protein.


I grew up on a 200 acre potato/hay/grain farm in Southern Oregon, a little place called the Klamath Basin.

My father passed away in February of 2001. Later that same year the water to the small farming families that I grew up with and went to school with was shut off en masse…Including my family’s farm. Put several out of business as the local irrigation district literally allowed water to flow right on by. Something about salmon and a couple of sucker fish that had lived for centuries and Indian water rights, and sending a bunch of that water from southern Oregon straight south to California.

Farms that had been in families for generations were decimated…the local economy the same. My mom tried to sell her place a few years after dad died and it took forever because, what bank is going to finance the sale of farm ground that has no consistent access to water.

That was 23 years ago…some of the farmers were able to drill wells as I recall despite the overwhelming objection of environmentalists who simply didn’t want them to have any water. To this day those farmers don’t know from year to year what they will have to work with. If they have a wet winter and a good snowpack it seems like the environuts dredge up all kinds of reasons to deny them the excess water, if they have a dry winter then…Well then the salmon and the suckers (and I suspect the Californians) all come first. It’s damn hard to run a farm that way.

The point being…A small group of a couple of hundred farmers who’s efforts fed100’s of thousands of people in a state like Oregon that was already starting to fall off the liberal cliff then…they had no voice, no political power. All of that authority is centered in leftist portland and salem. The rest of the state has to just simply survive all that stupidity coming out of two or three cities and a couple of urban westside counties.

Family farms have been on Oregon’s chopping block for a long time. A couple of years ago they tried to ban the sale of diesel. How do you farm without diesel.

I miss my beautiful home state every day…Sadly it’s being run by insane people. (a big part of the reason I’m so thoroughly anti liberal, anti environmentalist, and anti democrat).


Fat is not bad.

I hate to act like one of this forum’s more vocal libs and quote myself…

But I saw and my family and our neighbors saw 20+ years ago how heartless cruel and unforgiving liberals and the left can be… if you stand in the way of their agenda and their narrative it doesn’t matter if you’ve spent 50 years building a farm and feeding the world…that buncha book learned idiots will destroy your life’s work in a heartbeat just to push their nonsense.


Lets hope the crazy Woke Libs of Portland get hungry first!

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Apparently the World Economic Forum wants us to eat bugs. They have a nice video. Watch until the end.

A London insect farm has our food of the future. Forget small farms with normal food, shut them down. We need bugs.

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And the folks behind that video are a bunch of hypocrite bastards who’s fancy diet would never be effected…the Al gores and John Kerry’s if the world.

Stupid elites…

If there is one industry in the world that deserves to be treated as vital it’s farming.

But there are so few farmers at least in America that they possess very little political power and influence.

All farmers do is feed the world…

Don’t see why that should matter​:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Yeah it’s crazy. If only the agriculture industry had supporters in Congress.

You are confused.

As well as rodent feces.

Up to 10 mg per pound is permitted in cocoa beans, for example. :smile:

There is something to reflect on while your sipping your hot chocolate.

Well aren’t you guys just a barrel of sunshine and lollipops!!!

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When you look quickly at the video’s preview frame, the red PLAY arrow makes it look like the guy has a clown nose.

Not sure if you’ve picked up on it from other threads running now …but posters here are all manly man men men. They don’t drink hot chocolate. Definitely not while showing boys how to be manly man men men. So maybe check that feminine hot chocolate ■■■■■ :wink:

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Hey, I resemble that comment !

I honestly don’t think I’ve had a single cup of hot chocolate nor a bowl of cereal since i was a teen.

A lot of 20 degree or lower days here. A hot chocolate is kind of nice. And the rodent feces probably add some extra nutrients.

Good work. Leads to feminine boys. We need to be on constant vigil. And don’t get me started on the fluoridation of our water. Polluting our young men’s precious fluids.

■■■■■■■ communist supporting our young boys turning into women. Not sure how you sleep at night. No hot chocolate. Young boys need to be out in the woods in uniforms with men pitching tents. But no hot chocolate.

I really really hope it’s coming across as me laughing my ass off by whats going on in this thread and others.


Even though I poisoned my two boys with hot chocolate, they still ended up in professional occupations. :smile: