Gov. Kristi Noem pressured agency to give her daughter real estate liscense

You literally just decried the same thing when it wasn’t a Republican in your last post lol.

See, they love nepotism. Love it.

Sure, but also let us acknowledge that if this was a D and their kid, the conversation would be the same, only the roles would flip.

Exactly. Proof would be demanded that something illegal or unethical had happened if this were a Democrat. None seems required here.
'And there is a huge, huge difference between someone walking away with tens of millions and someone getting a license that anyone is allowed to earn. Nor is the lying part involved with Noem.

What I “admitted” is that a mother would have a preference and concern for their daughter that they wouldn’t have for a stranger. It seems hardly an “admission” to me.

Now, if that meeting had included the governor asking why it was taking so long to make a decision on her daughters license and asked if her daughter needed to do or learn something additional to earn the license, would that be unethical or illegal?

Exchange “governor” for “mother” who had knowledge of the area, and that would sound kind of normal to me.

Yeah, of course, except as Gov. you can’t create the appearance of impropriety by having a meeting with your daughter, the issuer and other officials from your administration.

As a mother, I would expect her to ask her adult child what she thinks could have gone wrong. If the daughter thought there was bias or unfair treatment in some way, an appropriate next step as gov. would be to recuse from eh situation and ask someone else to look into it.

If there was an indication of systemic issues with the problem, inquire with the issuers boss and ask them to review the process.

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whats crazy is the reaction from leftists.

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Quite possibly she might have asked someone at the meeting to look into it. Adding one more layer wouldn’t have changed anything.

If she used her power to order or demand a license be given, or that documents be changed…there is a problem.
There is no such evidence.

and what if her only question was what she failed at and what she needed to do to remedy that failure?

License denied.
License granted
issuer fired.

Seems a little fishy.

That would be appropriate. But why would that require a meeting with your adult child and the your subordinate, and some other people from your admin.?

Wouldn’t your adult child be able to ask that question of the issuer?

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If you write between the lines. You may be mispelling.

The license was granted four months after the meeting. If anything, that would seem to imply deficiencies had been corrected.

There were several people involved in that licensing. Only one was fired. She was 70 years old. She believed that she was fired because of her age, as evidenced for her suit for age discrimination. Plus, if her daughter already had the license there is no motivation there for firing. Now if it had been the week before the license was granted it might have made a better arguement.

And this time lapse correlation is a big fail most of the time. How about:

License denied
License granted
Riots in Seattle
issuer fired

Ah…clearly a connection here.

i’m sure she would, when has that ever stopped a mother?

as for the people in the room. seems to be the right people given she’s the governor. anyone lower level would have been too much of a power differential. having the labor sec there to witness would be prudent, and the right person to do so.

Could you get that type meeting with your governor?

Halarious all these libs would just throw their kid under the bus. Talk about weak leadership. If her kid was correct you can’t ignore it just because it is your kid. Although the meeting with the daughter involved shouldn’t have happened.

Of course we all would help our kid.

Now we don’t know if the kid was right or if the issuer was pressured. The 200k doesn’t help the optics.

But this was not the way to handle it.

And now, this:

who gives a ■■■■■ the governor is not my mother. you act as if meeting someone is somehow evil. its not

This has been confirmed by an anonymous blogger on

Noem’s Extramarital Affair (

Interesting that amgreatness is a far right site.