GORKA ON HANNITY: There’s a ‘DIRECT LINE’ Between Acosta’s Behavior and ‘Mob’ Protests | Sean Hannity

Dr. Sebastian Gorka stopped by ‘Hannity’ Thursday night to weigh-in on the liberal “mobs” attacking prominent conservatives and officials throughout the country; saying there’s as “direct line” between Jim Acosta’s behavior and recent attacks.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.hannity.com//media-room/gorka-on-hannity-theres-a-direct-line-between-acostas-behavior-and-mob-protests/?fbclid=IwAR2_6zfDEIIaVzqX2CjosGPcpQkU8SHIqmD_Ue8OYJcskQbUQ8lZfA-l7f0