Google made $20.4 billion in Q4 and it's laying off 12,000 workers

They can sign up for some of those coding classes the coal miners were promised when their mines were/are closed.

I know it’s not the same as a cushie govt cheese job, but oh well.


Who is celebrating?

I get the impression you are avoiding discussing
google products,
corporate profits,
the economy,
or anything related whatsoever,
and instead want (yet again) to turn the conversation to “people here.”

Yeah. Google makes an ungodly amount of profit and still it lays off workers.

What does that tell you about the continuous growth model that companies like Google operate under?


Yes. Perceived.

This is proof how radical left-wing extremist has become.


I typically choose google products over those of MS or Apple.
(Android phone, Chrome browser, Google search engine.)
So I have been satisfied with their products so far. they do not have an execution problem

Most of their layoffs came in two areas where they were not out-competed (advertising and virt. reality) which tells me the folks at the top started making really bad decisions and hired people in dead-end sector.

Maybe the folks at the top should be replaced by AI, then those bone-headed decisions would not be made in the first place

Or… and now hear me out… the model of the AI was unintentionally over correcting to account for cultural sensitivity. They shot too far. It is a clear case of Garbage in/Garbage out and embarrasing for Google who launched it before it was ready and tested.

Their search is becoming more and more garbage that is inhabited by bot generated garbage content.

They haven’t done anything about because they don’t have to.

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That was Narrative #1 which I believed at the time.

As the other thread shows I now feel kind like a sucker for giving them the benefit of the doubt.

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Why? Never attribute to conspiracy which can be easily explained through incompetence


Welcome to my world. This is what will happen in the future which is worrying.

They will hire double that number back through H1B visas and offshore workers.

Google is free to make their own decisions about employment regardless of profits. That’s capitalism. What’s the problem?

Sure they are. However, they aren’t entitled to be free from criticism of said decisions.

Of course not, criticize away. I’m just wondering what the specific criticism is. (Beyond “woke AI,” of course.) :wink: Companies that make a lot of money should never lay people off?

Layoffs are usually associated with companies not doing well. So when a company who is doing great lays people off, they are going to be seen as heartless whether true or not.

How else will the board get their new mega yachts?

Won’t someone think of the board members??

Capitalism that creates monopolies and keeps most of the wealth in the top 1-4%

The Friedman economic model is working just fine…for the very few at the top.

It is not horrible… for many …but we have done so much better in the past…maybe we should reconsider our priorities? eliminating stock buy backs could be a start.


I guarantee there are tons of people in the federal work force who do little to nothing all day and make great salary and benefits paid by the taxes of people who work hard all day and make much less in the private sector. So, it’s a form of injustice to keep the federal work force inflated and then to force other people by threat of jail to pay for them.