Google labels pro-life film Unplanned "propaganda" in search results 😠

That sounds like I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t kinda questions? :sunglasses:

what does google have a monopoly on?

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That’s it. I’m never using Google again.


I love the irony in this coming from you.

You like that?

I do! North Korea is famous for treating people well.

Thumbs up :+1: on regulations and breaking them up because these behemoth social media companies are practically begging for it!!

Conservatives can only dream of being treated as well as transgender people are. People who identify as transgender are treated like royalty by the establishment.

In some countries, people are arrested for “misgendering” transgender people. Imagine if people started being arrested for describing conservatives with terms they do not identify with.

The “correction” is only made if it’s done to someone with a platform to make it public, the average person doesn’t have that ability.

Got a link to documentation backing this up?

Google hath rained down hell on anyone who gets in their way and decries their actions.

What they are doing to the Chinese people is unconscionable. You defend 'em. Not me.


Oh, now you believe in fairnesss, when it fits your definition. That is way too funny.


Two small government, free market conservatives.


Small government is not no government. We are conservatives, not anarchists

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Enforcing political “fairness” with the strength of law is not “small government”, no matter how you try to frame it.

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Regulation is good when it’s the conservatives doing the regulating.

Anyone who simultaneously supports Trump, while complaining about Democrats’ “war on family values” is not being intellectually honest.

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i have a cousin who does that. i don’t even try to correct him. it’s a lost cause.

I guess you are not much for teddy roosevelt then?

she wasn’t arrested for calling a transgender woman a man, she was arrested for harassing a person.

If I followed you around and yelled at you I would also be arrested for harassment.

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