Good News? September Jobs Report

Yea you know me

About like you know managers. If you were one, you wouldn’t say such nonsense.

You dont know ■■■■ about my experiences what I do and dont know. I didnt say all managers and execs dont work hard.

Ok, if you say so.

You’ve never seen ineffective overpaid managers that dont do much?

You won dude. Enjoy it.

Corporations pay less than 9% of total taxes in the country in 2016. It’s been declining too and is going to obviously decline a lot this year with their massive break.

It’s getting close to being a negligible contribution to the tax burden.

Rich people tend to assume they’re rich because they’re smarter and harder working than everyone else.

It’s only occasionally true.


You don’t know any rich people.

Yip yip yip.


Your a business owner, how much are you going to start paying of your profits if the Dem’s are yelling from the rooftops, when we take things back, their taxes are going up (and probably higher than they were to punish them for not giving the excess to employee’s).

You may want to rethink that but first take a look at overall effect of stadium building and whether the benefits to the public outweigh the cons.

I am sure that you will now accuse mf of leftiwng talking points but take the time

Glad we could agree.

The government number for September will be adjusted upward next month.

Whatever you need to tell yourself to make you feel better.

Well, you have a 50/50 chance at being right.

Pretty good odds.

Maybe you have a 50/50 hope that I’m wrong.

I’m 100% confident that I’m right.

It’s amusing watching you lefties having leg tingles at any hope of negative spin. (Not even negative news. Just negative spin.)

I love it when people get a job. Not many things more satisfying than that.

I always hope for good job reports but if you’re 100% sure you’re right, there must be a reason.

What is the reason?

Because I know I’m right.

Now pick a fight with me about that.