Good news on COVID from the UK

Yes, I would expect that.

:rofl: :+1:

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Yes - these groups have larger proportions of lower income and less educated people than whites. Is this breaking news?

(To be fair, though, even when controlling for income/education, Blacks and Hispanics are still behind)

Have you missed the last 250 years of America where White people on the whole have been more educated and higher income than Black or Hispanic people?

Youā€™re welcome to leverage what Iā€™m sure are exemplary research skills to review median household incomes by race/ethnicity as well as the education levels of people by race/ethnicity. This may assist you in better understanding the world in which you live.

Lower income and less educated people are less likely to vaccinate. This is not debatable.

This is only good news to people who donā€™t want to be controlled.

You missed the point. He labeled it ā€œPandumbicā€ because of these folks not getting vaccinated. I asked if he was disparaging non-whites.

The CDC can take a hike.

Yesā€¦and IMOā€¦the common American is now done with their civil liberties being crushed.