Good News? Monthly Jobs Report-August

Libs hadn’t lost their minds before then. It really all started with the Kavanaugh hearings for me. Before that I just disliked libism.

You’re welcome


I remembered (GWH) :wink:

Labor participation nudged up slightly.


Should have been here for the Anita hill testimony. You hate us even more.


Yeah, it does ■■■■■■■ matter, because Obama was handed the worse recession in 80 years and Trump was handed one of the longest expanding economies in history.


It’s hard arguing with hypocrites isn’t it.


Man. Some of the ignorance here is astounding.


It will not?

Such nuanced, comprehensive and objective analysis is always a treasure.


Add to that the world was supposed to end, and the DOW would crash to oblivion. I thank both President Obama and President Trump for making me a lot of money in the market… kudos :partying_face:

To bad…Trump on his worst day still beat Obama average.

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And Trump is still here…which the ensured us Trump would have been long gone by now. :wink:

After all the “I hope its a recession” posts (here I am paraphrasing, not quoting), one could have expected half the country to be out of a job.

Obama became President at the bottom of the economic cycle. Just as recessions continue to exist, so do recoveries.
Thank businesses and the economic cycle, both ways.

There was a time in ancient Sweden when they would sacrifice the king if agriculture was devastated by the weather for too long. They got cause and effect wrong too.

I think “some” of them are disappointed. They were praying on economic miracle.

^^^There’s absolute no point to this post. :flushed:

Other than W. Bush is lucky the Swedish tradition isn’t around any more.

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Oh ■■■■■

China made a peace proposal in a phone call this week with top U.S. trade officials with an offer to buy a modest amount of U.S. agricultural goods, according to two people briefed on the call.

Yea American Farmers!

When UE is below what is considered to be “full employment” numbers you’re not going to be adding many jobs.

Brazil and Argentina sky rocketing soybean prices is become to much for China to bare. :wink: