Good News? March 2024 Jobs Report

Good Lord.

You need a black friend. And Jesus.

More evidence of Biden Destroying America…

Best economic recovery from COVID in the G7.
Stock market at all time highs.
GDP grew by 4.1% over the past two quarters.
Average GDP growth 3% in Biden’s Presidency.
Lowest unemployment rate in peacetime economy since WWII.
Jobs more plentiful today than any time since the 1960s.
All measures of consumer sentiment are improving, some sharply.
Inflation has fallen, dramatically.
Inflation is lower here today than any G7 nation.
Very elevated wage gains, new business starts.
1.3 job openings per unemployed person.
Lowest uninsured rate in history, ACA signups this past year highest ever.
Many cities and states have raised the minimum wage in recent years.
Domestic oil production set records in 2023.
America is more energy independent than it has been in decades.
Fed has massive flexibility to stimulate economy if needed now with rates at 5%.

Biden’s ambitious investment agenda will continue to create growth, innovation, opportunities for American workers for decades to come, and is already dramatically accelerating our energy expansion beyond carbon-based fuels.

Good News!


Excellent news.

Also, Jan and Feb revised upward.

Some here claimed revisions are always downward.

Just to be helpful here, but monthly jobs reports are seasonally adjusted. Specifically for trends like that. It’s why December job growth isn’t crazy high because they seasonally adjust the numbers to reflect known trends and spikes.

Good luck.

brandon door mirror

Of course they are. Algorithmic alchemy.

39 months of job growth.

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Pretty sure that’s all you got at this point. So lean into it.

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It’s all I need. Oh and the receipt from the grocery store. You’re losing the Hispanicos.

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Well you didn’t seem to be aware of that.

Deported that’s what would happen if we were in their country illegally.


39 months of illegals growth.

Let’s grow Brandon!

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Don’t I? Odd.

Does 39 months of job growth count?

When the jobs report was out, I was in the car. I put on fox business at the top of the hour. Lead story was about the border.

Depends on the jobs you’re counting.

In this context, “sustainable” means about 45 years.

As it should be.

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Those who work construction especially the yutes wind up earning much more than those with whiz bang 4 year degrees and six figure student loan debts.
The construction and trade worker can afford a dependable vehicle, a home and maybe a good relationship and raise a family. Indoctrinated block head lazy ass whiz bang “college grad” is mooching off either mommy and daddy, sucking on the goobermint teat, waiting for Joe Potato Head to ■■■■ the taxpayers ( again) and pay off their debts and prancing around at the weekly “free Gaza” soirée waving Pali flags and wearing the zebra scarf.


Right. Because why would a business news station cover a killer jobs report?