Good News? March 2024 Jobs Report

That photo was likely taken in a barrio in El Salvador. If this individual is indeed in America and illegally the chances of him “working” are probably slim and none.
Actually it’s probably more fiscally responsible to deport them back to wherever they came from, slash welfare expenditures and give those who have been abusing social handouts the opportunity to work at the jobs your more than likely illegal cartoon friend above has been “working” at.

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Healthcare 74k

Not even in this country

That never actually matters lest we don’t discuss anything that happened before our birthdays.

Yeah with a 3.8 percent unemployment rate, the stable growing economy, record oil production in the United States.

It’s just like the late 70s

Oh you guys

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America First™

I believe it is more important than ever in this increasing globalized world. The winners are going to be those countries which put their citizens first (not only).

This fantasy that everybody in the world or even a region or country can be “equal” or even close is retarded, for several reasons:

  1. It assume equal or at least similar effort.
  2. Intelligence.
  3. Skills.
  4. Demand for those skills.
  5. Desire. Goals.

Every country in the world has and must have groups of people who are willing to do jobs realistic with their lot in life and that others really don’t want to do.

The mass delusion that education at any level can turn an idiot into a genius is a marketing ploy.

We each are born with a certain set of characteristics in a certain time. The best we can expect is that we work hard to develop whatever blessings we have, that our skillsets are in demand during our worklife and our expectations are realistic. Then enjoy what we have.

No, anybody can’t be president. Not even of the glee club.

The world needs a lot more streetsweepers than it does uber wealthy.

One of the things I admire most about Mexicans. They will work 60+ hours a week at some of the most back-breaking work imaginable, then go to a park on Sunday, bbq and laugh and dance without a care in the world.

A lot of the rest of us used to do it that way.

My grandfather walked 10 miles to work. My father walked 5. I drive a truck. My son drives a Mercedes to work. His son will walk…

Attachment is counter-productive to happiness. Mexicans seem to intuitively know this.

Look at black nation females. Thanks to AA, many, many of them have risen far above their level of competence. And it’s showing. To their credit, they know it. They grift as much as possible, then run. A lot of them anyway.

All men are created equal. They don’t stay that way 5 seconds after being born.


You weren’t born, were you.

Not bad. How many black nation?

Gov subsidized.

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Are you married to a Guatemalan hotel maid?

Not at all.

Are you?

helping build the nation.


Construction jobs aren’t real jobs because politics. :joy:

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Why not?

No, but then I’m not the one lauding hotel maid jobs as some achievement.

March is spring. Of course there is more tourism. It will probably last to next winter.

Let’s go, Brandon!

getting more jobs is a really bad thing. lol.

look at all these sour grapes.


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Construction jobs are the most real jobs there are. Private sector construction jobs. Great metric.

id like to see @Gaius take. more foreign born jobs?


Neither am I. However there is nothing wrong with being a maid. It’s a job. Rather that than be on welfare… taking from you… right?

It’s been trending up since the pandemic. Meaning it’s not necessarily a seasonal increase…

If people were not vacationing there would be no need for more l&h workers

Nothing wrong with being a maid. A lot wrong with crediting Brandon for it.

:rofl: You mean your lock down?

It’s not a Brandon achievement.

I’m ok with that so long as you are consistent when it comes to yaboi Trump or any future Republican president.


Average walking pace is 2 miles per hour.

Your Grandfather walked 5 hours to work? Your father walked 2.5 hours to work?


When will you be consistent?

Do you know what “sustainable” means?