Good News! January jobs report: New US jobs slightly exceed number of encounters with illegals at Southern border



Again the two biggest culprits are globalization and technology, along with the growth of the so-called white collar labor market.

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I never said he was “great”. NONE of these politicians are anything special, part of this unhealthy political divide rests in this sort of politician worship. The two saddest examples are Obama and Trump.

Well. to those looking for a job it’s good news. The bad news is the border is being swarmed with invaders. And that’s what everyone cares about.
Real good news would include the number of deportations. Do you have that figure?

To what extent are their companies global, and how profitable are they compared to US companies? Furthermore, you would have to compare the standard of living of the middleclass in those countries to here in the US.

PS - I’m not a schill for the US or Republicans.

Other similar industrialized nations.

Why don’t other industrialized nations have the wealth gap we do? Are they immune to technology and globalization?

I was talking about the reasons for the decline of unions, which as you argued is one of the reasons for the wealth gap. Regarding the decline of unions here’s things that can happen even in Biden’s economy:

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You should travel more.

They do.

Other industrialized countries have strong unions and it helps keep their wealth gaps lower.

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