Good Guy with a Gun

Bad law. Failed state.

A contributing reason why we don’t see riots in Texas like they see in a few states is because people believe the Texans will shoot them.

And that belief is based on a reasonable assessment of potential outcomes.

It’s still not clear to me he broke any law. Is it against the law in Texas to trace your stolen vehicle or to defend yourself if the thief pulls a gun on you when you confront them?

Not wrong as in breaking the law. Just ■■■■■■■ stupid to go after the thief yourself. You don’t know if these are professional thieves. You don’t know if the are crack heads or meth heads. Just stupid to confront them.

Why? He knows what he knows. He won didn’t he?

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THIS TIME. :smile:

Next time, he may or may not win.

Best not to take the chance.

He knows what he knows every time.

Best not to take the chance.

How sad.

The difference between a knight and prey.


Citizen and subject also.

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Not sad at all. Common sense.

I am well armed, but I would never go off in such a pursuit.

I am not a trained law enforcement agent.

My vehicles are well insured and I will pursue that route if my vehicle is stolen and unrecoverable.

I don’t think any of us are in the position to judge his actions. It is unlikely that he would have placed a tracker in his car unless car theft was rampant in his area, and we know nothing of the priority that the police put on finding stolen cars. He very well may have been victimized before and not been impressed with the police response. And even in this instance, he may have found the vehicle, called the cops … and been put on hold. So when left on his own, he may have felt justified to confront the thief and get his car back without the help of the police. I think most of us would act similarly in that case.

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You don’t need to be. You only have to be proficient in self-defense with your firearm.

Even under the best of circumstances, there is a financial loss with insurance. You will be reimbursed for the deprecated value of the vehicle, not for what the vehicle is worth to you. You will not be able to replace the vehicle in kind with what the allot you for its loss.

I am well trained in personal firearm use. But going off after somebody is just stupid. You don’t know if they have accomplices. You may be walking into an ambush. The guy may be a lot faster on the draw then you.

Yes, you will take a loss with insurance. But you will still have your life.

A piece of metal on wheels is NOT worth your life to recover.

Somebody should have told the car thief that. :rofl:


It may not turn out that way the next time.

Welcome to life in the world.

A proverb applies here.

There are bold people.

There are old people.

There are no bold, old people.

There is a time to be prudent.

That’s a personal judgement, which is your right. That doesn’t give you the right to judge his personal judgement.

And by the way, he is still alive … and has his car back. Insurance should pay for the broken windows … less deductible, that is.

And a car thief is temporarily out of business.

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