Global warming pfft

$100B to retool the electric grid.

Awfully vague, which part specifically addresses this issue.

IIRC it still needs to be corrected, at the macro level, for synchronization problems, which are far, far more pressing than b-film plot devices.

Dunno. But since you care so much, you should push for your elected officials to dig in and get something done.

But I would imagine retooling the electric grid in some way = hardening our grid against a host of issues.

Itā€™s not even an issue according to tzu, so why would democrats be addressing it?

How can you aregue with people who literally think the world will end in 10 years becausr of and issue.

You canā€™t itā€™s a religion which is why I stay out of the those threads more times than not. Obviously if one was serious about climate change and thought the world really was about to end the discussion would start with China first. Not on how to make energy more expensive in western countries who actually are doing something about it and are not firing up two new coal plants a week.

Who thinks global warming will end the world? Names, please.

Why should we be hardening and improving our electrical grid?

Ask Texas.

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You are preaching to the choir. Zantax started this thread explaining we are doomed.

Keeping it from freezing does nothing to harden it against one of these.


Itā€™s a b-movie plot device, used to declare a ā€˜realā€™ emergency that trumps any need to tackle the cascading problems of global warming.

Prioritize means to put this ahead of global warming, which doesnā€™t mean it canā€™t be number two. Itā€™s a relatively easy fix, estimates around 30 billion to fix.

However I am also of the opinion that the global issues of hunger, no access to safe drinking water or basic medicine are all problems that far out weigh global warming. Because I am not a monster.

Like I said, encourage your elected officials to make sure that 100B is spent wisely to cover a variety of concerns, including this one.

Go for it.

They arenā€™t gonna be happy when you, the stalwart fiscal conservative that you are, ask them to pay for it, and then they are gonna vote against it, letting those dastardly democrats in full charge of actually improving our electrical grid, soā€¦

Iā€™d suggest you stick teams and get some mojo with the side that actually wants to improve and pay for ur electrical grid.

You might as well ā€œprioritizeā€ for lightning strikes before paying for and building a tornado warning system in Oklahoma.

Greatest Nation On Earth canā€™t figure out how to pay for those kinds of thingsā€¦

But we sure know how to prioritize low taxes on income generated from trading stocks.

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Who knew ā€˜trickle downā€™ really meant bridge decay and on-time bottlenecks?

No amount of tax can pay for what is being spent.

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Fiat economies are not governed by metallist assumptions.

Then we should just throw in the towel and make all taxes zero, right?

You are of course free to think you can print all the money you like with no repercussions. Itā€™s insane but itā€™s your right.