Global warming pfft

If those odds are accurate and the effect is properly characterized, why haven’t we had a destruction of our electrical system yet? I haven’t heard of any severe outages attributable to this, either terrestrial or in space.

“Know1ng” was a good bad movie with a brilliant use of Ludwig’s 7th in the ultimate scene, not a prophecy.

Sun has been unusually calm for the last couple of decades. And we have, knocked out all of Quebec, happened twice to the telegraph.

Science denier.

Please show the science documenting how, every 25 years, CMEs collapse technological infrastructure.

Already did and it’s on average, as in six such events over the last 150 years. Wasn’t remotely saying it happens every 25 like clockwork.

Show the collapse, please. Not an extrapolation, the events.

There wasn’t much to collapse. But if you want evidence it can, here you go.

So a single event, and one that is sensationalized? That’s anecdote, not science.

Peer reviewed study link in this article.

Habitat loss, niche collapse, desertification, coastline and ice/albedo loss are ongoing, cumulative, exponential and cascading. The science is comprehensive, and the causes well modeled.

But no, let’s jettison all that and priortize resources based on, and for, junk b-film single-event catastrophism.

What a hoot.

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What I appreciate most about your dire prediction is the well cited sources that are creating your concern.

Since Yellowstone might erupt, we might as well not worry about global warming.


I would imagine we could do something about this, but it will probably mean we have to raise taxes. So, non starter I guess.

A tax cut for Gates, Musk, Mercer, Bezos and Buffet should do the trick.

What could we do to prevent it? We can harden our grid to survive this.

And under no circumstances would we want to pass a bipartisan infrastructure bill to address infrastructure issues like this, especially if that bill provides for a way to pay for infrastructure issues like this.

Which part of the infrastructure bill addresses this issue?

Hardening our grid is wise in the face of global climate change as well as a host of other threats. Let’s do it.

You should call some GOPers and tell them to get off they ass and pass an infrastructure bill.

No, it would be better to focus on vouchers for creationist schools, who will give us the bootstrapped engineers of the future, who will solve it then.

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