Global warming is real

Yes, but most of the plants I grow prefer the longer duration of the red shifts gained by the late summer/early fall. It’s more a matter of necessity for me.

I don’t believe our current temps are falling into the “normal”, do you? We have already shown that current temps are outside the graph you provided. Did you need to go back in time further to define “normal”? Perhaps if you include when the planet was formed you might find temperatures to fit your agenda.

What is earth normal, as it applies to temperatures? Do you know?

All this hand wringing over temperature, and for all you know the planet is just trying to naturally adjust. So when was earth normal, 1750? 1850? 1950? 2050?

Going back in time is a curious way of putting it, since science does not have but a few decades worth of accurate temperature readings to go by. Even a hundred years ago we were only measuring data in a few locations, and a lot of that data is not clean nor accurate or detailed.

There is no normal for the planet. On that we agree. But there is a normal range right now.

Science has plenty of ways to discern temperatures before thermometers. It’s science.

So normal is apparently whatever you want to call it, right?

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No. It’s what temperature history and science say it is. You disagree?

In that case, there is no reason for you to be alarmed about the temperature today. Its normal.

Ok. I’m not sure I agree with your definition of normal. Nor do scientists.

We only have actual temperature measurements by crude thermometers from the era of the Little Ice-Age, as few and as inaccurate as that data may be.

Ice cores, ocean floor cores, tree and coral growth rings are not close to being accurate.

So what do we really have, to say what normal is? Nothing.

We could settle a lot of this, if we could jump in a DeLorean time machine and go into the future a thousand years. Then we drill an ice core sample, look at tree rings, and see how close that type of data is when compared to the actual data we are recording today. So we can wait it out, and have an answer, but it’ll be a while.

Are you an expert in temperature reconstructions? Please advise what expertise you are basing your opinion on.


So what do scientists call normal?

Or perhaps more appropriately, what do scientist say is abnormal about today’s temperature?

Here you go.

What’s the deal? I thought you placed no credibility on the proxy temperatures from that ice core.

I said the data stopped at 1855 and missed the bulk of the warming which occurred after 1855. The graph I posted includes that data.

Still not reliable by itself but YOU believe it is. Or likely did until shown the up to date temp for that graph.

Then why did you repost it?

And why are you making up what I believe? Didn’t you get what I said about that graph? Sorry, but I’m not going to explain it to you again. You are going to have to go back and reread the thread.

I reposted because you put a lot of stock in that graph showing the trend. I have no idea why since it excludes data from 1855 to today. Luckily I provided the updated data which you have studiously ignored.

You can google, can’t you?

Damn…that ice sure is thickening at the poles…in spite of global warming. How can this be?

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Must have something to do with that pesky natural cycle that’s been going on since before our species. :thinking:

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That’s exactly it. :+1:

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