Global warming is real

I presume that was not an exclusive or?

“The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.” – H.L. Mencken


I would also add, “or an urge to be ruled.”


I have an MS and double BS in science and the requirements to earn an environmental science degree are no more challenging.

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Yes I have buy showing the sample sizes are far to small to draw any long term conclusions and the proxies are no where accurate enough either.

There are far too many things other than annual rainfall and temperatures affecting both tree growth and sedimentation rates.

Pretty sure a PhD is more challenging. You don’t think so?

Assertions are not science.

Bowing to the “authorities” as though the are gods and accepting dogma without question. It’s more of a religion than science.


They aren’t simply assertions they are clearly understood facts.

The factors affecting tree growth are temperatures, available moisture, soil conditions, and available daylight.

A single flood event can deposit a year’s worth of sediments or more in a very short period between long periods of drought.

Cold weather retards tree growth as much as moisture.

The growth on a colder than normal year even with average or above normal moisture will be less than a hot year.

Hot and dry, cold and dry, both can have the same effects.

There are just too damned many variables for the proxies to be accurate.

You didn’t specify PhD did you? The difference in a MS and PhD is teaching time and an additional thesis.

Most climate scientists have PhDs.

LoL. It takes two years to get the MS. It typically takes three MORE years to get a PhD. About two years MORE of classes beyond the MS and a year to research and write a dissertation (many times two years). And to compare a thesis to a dissertation is ridiculous. A dissertation requires much more work.

Also, PhDs typically require far more math.

You’re just making it up as you go along.

Most of the post graduate work is in teaching and research not additional academics.

There is no requirement to have a PhD to be an "environmental scientist.

If you have a BS in environmental science you are by definition an Environmental Scientist. If you are employed in such a position regardless of your degree you are an ES.


That wasn’t my experience in grad school as an engineer. I had quite a few classmates pursuing a PhD in physics and they took classes for a couple years. Typically two classes per semester. Three was considered a heavy load :grinning:. At the same time you would have research credits representing your research. If they were on a TA instead of a RA, they would be responsible for teaching 1-2 sections of a class. I had a TA - pretty cool when they pay you to go to school!

Most of the climate scientists authoring papers seem to be PhDs from my experience. Those are the people we are talking about, the study authors.

Meanwhile in reality with people in the know, concerns about the survival of civilization continue to mount.

What evidence is JP Morgan providing as to their expertise on climate change?

We will be just fine till God pulls the plug.

He is in control not mankind.

The facts.

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The dumbest thing we could possibly due is attempt to actually lower the planet’s temperatures when we don’t even have enough data to understand the natural cycle.

Best we can tell from the historical data and proxies is that we’re still well below the last two warming periods maximums and what followed them of course were serious cooling periods that led to war, famine, disease etc killing millions and forcing hundreds of millions into living very hard lives to survive.

This makes so much sense and explains why the military is so fixiated on global cooling.

Not so. It may require using more math, but not learning more math. They use the same math that they learned getting their Bachelors degree.

The military has long term plans for every contingency. That’s the whole purpose of the Pentagon Planners.

The current priorities were set in 2015.

Nothing would threaten humanity as much as severe cooling. As little as 3-5 degrees would lead to famine in short order due shortened growing seasons and the lack of available water.

Glaciers are pretty but that water can’t be utilized unless the glaciers are melting.