Global warming is real

Apparently enough to have to concede that anthropogenic climate change is real.

Need more detail? Check with your author.

i pressed you for details just as the author suggested. he was right on

The author said to ask me?

He was right on when he said climate change was real and man contributes to that change. Two inconvenient details.

you should read the article and how he suggests pressing those in the climate cult for details

anyway, he didnt say either of what you keep robotically repeating

sorry no 90 triliion dollar tax increase to refreeze the poles

My mistake. It was his page on a site called DESMOG where he acknowledges global warming and admits man contributes “mildly”.

ok fair enough

now why didnt you link it?

I’m not your research assistant.
I told you where it was.
If I provide a link to site not immediately recognized then we’re arguing the source.

Take your pick.

ok well up to you if you dont want to support what you claim to have seen

Believe me or not. The truth doesn’t depend on what you believe or what I support.

If what I claim to be true, proves true, you’ll just move the goalposts away from me telling the truth to something else on the page.

It’s almost as if you don’t want people to believe you …

no goalposts were moved

you made a claim. you dont want back it up

thats your choice

thanks for the 2 paragraphs of meaningless words.

You got the name. You got the web site. Anyone is welcome to show where this guy said there’s no global warming and that man has no effect on global warming. That would contradict my claim. Absent conflicting evidence, my claim stands.

I didn’t say goalposts were moved. Learn to read.

The rest of your post used that same cutting edge thinking I see.

No … in this Forum, the decorum is that he who makes the claim presents the evidence to support that claim. The other members are under no obligation to do it for him.

Besides, what you claimed was that he said climate change was real and man contributes to that change, not what you said above. The least you could do is keep your story straight.

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Raise your hand if you get behind. Yes, Samm…

What I said above was the opposite of what I said before. I showed you what would contradict my “claim”. Was that unclear when I said, “That would contradict my claim.”

That region has been a ■■■■■■■■ for decades, and it is all because of climate change and nothing to do with the government and the people who live there.

they make claims then filibuster with random thoughts

i’d think one would be proud to support ones stance

ever see anything like this?

but your claim you made is not really what you claim your claim was but actually the opposite of what you claim your claim was about claiming the opposite, which contradicts your claim of my claim of what i claimed

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That’s the most sense you’ve made all day.

to some i am sure that is true