GILLUM EXPOSED: Shocking Undercover Video Reveals HATE-FILLED STAFFERS, Campaign Lies

Originally published at: GILLUM EXPOSED: Shocking Undercover Video Reveals HATE-FILLED STAFFERS, Campaign Lies | Sean Hannity

Explosive new footage released Wednesday by Project Veritas and James O’Keefe shines a blaring spotlight on Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum; showing the stunning depths the Democratic hopeful is willing to go to deceive voters throughout the state.

The video shows Gillum’s staffers and aides openly discussing his willingness to shift positions and outright lie in order to get elected; going so far as to say “Fairy tales in the modern day begin with ‘once I am elected.’"

“None of the programs that people are hoping for would happen” but "That’s not for [voters] to know,” said one insider.

"You whip 'em up. The poor, the middle income. You have to whip them up into a frenzy in order for them to vote,” they added.

The video also includes vicious, hate-filled rhetoric from one campaign staffer, saying “This is a f*ed-up a state. It’s a cracker state.”

Watch the stunning footage above.

Is this similar to republican candidates who are lying about their support for pre-existing conditions?

Project Veritas has always had a stellar reputation. People should pay attention to this.