GDP Growth For First Quarter 2.3%

It wont take a crash.


Trump just sandbagging before he hits his 5% quarters!


The speculation is for 4.1 percent for the 2nd quarter. Perhaps you guys should talk while you can. :rofl:

Yay government spending?

it’s a tricklin’ baby

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Yeah? And how often is that speculation wrong? Seems quit often.

With the current disinformation campaign being run by Fox News and right wing radio hosts, before the year is over Fox News will be able to report the GDP as 10% and the gullibles will believe it.

Good news! (?) lol

I mean seriously the Atlanta Fed needs to look at their models. They are consistently over it seems.

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From the Atlanta Fed. Take a look at their track record.

2nd quarter blue chip consensus predictions have been revised up to 3.4% from 2.5%. Enjoy the ride while it lasts.

Atlanta and St Louis feds are currently at 4.0.
NY Fed is at 3.0.
Moody’s ticked up to 3.4.

Exactly what we were promised.

It’s not a trickle like it was under Obama. Now it’s a manly flow.

By the way, the ads on this site really want me to date Asians, Russians, and pack heat while doing so.

I don’t see any ads at all. :smiley:

I see ads when I browse on a mobile device, and yes it’s Asian and Russian dating sites, as well as libertarian retreat communities.

You did something right. They load a bit slower than the replies, so just as you are clicking the reply arrow, the ad appears below your thumb in a gotcha moment and you soon find yourself among the lovely ladies of Volgograd or Hangzhou.

Ah, so not targeted ads. That’s a relief. I just figured they had me pegged for a gun-collecting shutin who for some strange reason can’t get a woman to talk to me.

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I always thought they were looking for egghead computer and wall street guys with bad social skills.

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This still looks like a safe prediction.

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