GDP For First Quarter: -4.8%

So who has said the economy is trumps fault?

Trump crashed the economy!!!

Imagine the heads exploding had 100 people died of Ebola.

Donald is responsible for ignoring this for 8 weeks, flip flopping, pushing quackery, hogging the spotlight with his drivel, his complete lack of leadership and incessant blamery. This is worse than it needed to be, and that does not go away.


I know that was a rhetorical question…just like a reporter asking if Trump should be reelected since more deaths occurred from corona that the Viet Nam war? Libs have become obnoxiously insane with their TDS rhetoric…period. Look at the number of lib likes to the insanity posted right above this post.

Your wasting your time. Some people will refuse to see the logic.

Not to mention without the shutdown that 50,000 would have been exponentially higher.

Wow…then you must be really upset for the lies of both China and the WHO that many countries based their responses on? How about releasing a little of that proportional disdain here in Hannity Land?

You mean New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts failures. Those three left-wing states are about half of American cases.

Again. Imagine the hysteria had 100 died of Ebola.

But no I’m hysterical because 57,000 died in one month and Donald is still bobbleheading about his non existent testing and disinfectant and powerful light. Good Lord, he’s the king of blaming, but no I’m insane for pointing at him.


This is going to be looked back on as economic suicide of a first world country over a virus that probably turns out to have a fatality rate less than 0.50%… Millions upon millions will go homeless and millions will be in poverty. It’s not like all businesses will just rehire everyone this has been one huge media driven panic fest with a failure in all our leaders.

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Media driven panic fest?

Feb 29- First US death

March 29- 1,200 deaths

April 29- 57,000 deaths

How does that look to you? Where will be May 29?


Yay! We did it!!!


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Trump didn’t crash the economy, any more than Obama caused the financial crisis that began during the Bush Presidency.

For the past four years we have heard steady comments about how bad the economy was under Obama and how much better it us under Trump.

Whether or not Trump caused anything, today’s station is the “economy under Trump” as much as the difficult times in 2009-2010 were “the economy under Obama.”

Maybe if Trump and his supporters hadn’t spent so much time implying that all bad things back then were Obama’s fault…

Care to reconsider any of that… because right now we have “the economy under Trump” rightly or wrongly.

It would be more productive to develop the Trump plan to restart the economy than arguing about who is to blame.

Hopefully back to work.

Obama economy wasn’t the best.

Are you considering what is coming if the IMF is correct and we have a Great Depression? How many will die from that plus America going to a 2nd world status. This disease kills primarily the elderly and those with pre existing conditions they should have been the ones protected and sheltering while society built a herd immunity like Sweden is. Instead everyone stayed home and unless there is a vaccine we have already been told it’s coming back in the fall.

And yes the media has been peddling doom and our leaders have failed us. I don’t want to be the next Eritrea.

And that 57,000 deaths in two months was with extreme measures put into place. Imagine if nothing had been done.


I don’t see anyone saying the economy is trump’s fault.

Hell, forget the end of May. Right now we’re sitting on 2 million deaths in America since this time last year. Think about where we’ll be this time 2021…4 million deaths?! By 2022 we will have experienced 6 million deaths. How will we overcome?

You don’t have to imagine look to Sweden and Singapore neither shutdown their country.

There could have been 166,666 deaths per month?

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