GDP 33.1 % - Yet Stock Market Down on Fears of Biden Win

You didn’t scroll down far enough on his tweets. I just ran my tv back to check his words again in case you was correct. I heard it right.

Sure you are. My statement stands.

Where’s the teat? :sunglasses:

So he’s so confident in his opinion that he changes it to the exact opposite position within hours? And we’re suppose to believe that? Do I believe 8am Charles or 10am Charles?

How do we know that he won’t flip his position again by lunch?


Many market analyst’s think at least a 25% drop in stocks if Biden wins, more if democrats take over the entire congress.

You are taking it out of context, but hey, if it helps your agenda…



Historically economies do better under Dems. They are always cleaning up after Republicans crash it.


Never true. But the leftists propagandize it.

Except when you use facts to make your argument.


China economy grew 4.9% in 2020.


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Not one of those articles predict a 25% drop in the stock market

100% this time! trump is at +43.5%
At this point in the Obama years it was +71%

even before covid Trump has yet to pass Obama on Stock market returns

Facts matter.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: yea sure you did.

Exactly, and coupled with COVID cases spiking both here in America and over in Europe. There is no corollary to the election right now in the market movement.

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Same nonsense we heard about Trump sending the market lower.

They were so CERTAIN a trump economy would be bad…quite the opposite.

Biden tanking the energy market is a certain collapse in the indices.


…at whose expense due to a problem and who created the problem?

Everything shut down for a couple month, many places things still shut down. Your suprised how? Now remember, this is GLOBALLY not just in the US.


That is not actually true at all. I’m sure there are some rabid partisan prognosticators out there pitching doom and gloom, ala Larry Kudlow, but the actual money-men are leaning positively into the news of a projected Biden win being better for businesses and the economy than a projected Trump re-election.

An analysis by Moody’s Analytics finds that if Biden wins and Democrats win a majority in both the Senate and the House and enact his plans, average annual economic growth would be 2.9% and average annual wage growth would be 0.9% through 2030.

Moody’s finds that some 18.6 million jobs would be created over Biden’s four-year term, and full employment would be reached in the second half of 2022. Full employment is typically defined as an unemployment rate under 5%. It is about 8% today.

In contrast, if President Donald Trump wins the election and Republicans win the majority in both houses of Congress, the economic picture dims: 10-year economic growth would average 2.4%, wages would grow by 0.7% over a decade, 11.2 million jobs would be created over four years, and full employment would be reached in 2024.

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