Gas prices in Haiti cause riots

Has Trump looked into invading yet?

He’s not Obama looking at Libya. Hong Kong is an island. But they went the capitalist root.

^^ Basically they are socialist which explains everything.

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He should. Think about all those people we could help.

So, Why can’t Venezuela pull that off. By 2030… they must have low goals. Finland has good schools we should copy them, but you’d have to fire most of the current teachers.

Did you know you can’t walk into an emergency room in Norway without prior permission form a doctor. That you have to pay at least some money for drug and visits too.

So, what and old story… It’s all about bargaining. I know you could care less about suffering in Venezuela because your religion of socailsim is practiced there…


I agree tweets are not law but why bully private business if you believe in free markets?

OMG that sounds horrible!

By calling 116117 you will come in direct contact with your closest emergency doctor (legevakt) wherever you are in Norway. The legevakt is open 24 hours and can be contacted outside your General Practitoner’s office hours in acute need of a doctor. No appointments. If necessary, the legevakt will transfer the patient to a specialist at another hospital.

Low goals, which they met 12 years early.

I dunno why Venezuela can’t pull that off. Perhaps they have issues that are otherwise unrelated to Socialism?

You don’t care about the suffering of anyone in these countries.

and…What is “hospital bed Gridlock” …


Yes, we have urgent care centers too, but you can just walk into the ER here. You can’t there.

Countries or companies, Trump has proven he doesn’t believe in the free market. That’s why so many real conservatives are against his interventionist tariffs.

Have you ever just “walked into” an ER? It’s not very awesome.

What would dems do to make markets more fair and thus freer…

The ER’s used to be great. Now, they are impacted. That’s why Norway did it. But, our country would freak, if we tried it… I mean most illegals don’t have private doctors to approve the ER visit.

Why would Dems have to do anything? Free markets are self-sustaining.

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