GANGLAND: At Least 174 KIDS KILLED in Chicago Since 2011, 1,665 Shot

Originally published at: GANGLAND: At Least 174 KIDS KILLED in Chicago Since 2011, 1,665 Shot | Sean Hannity

Stunning data published by the Chicago Tribune is shedding new light on the escalating gun violence sweeping the Windy City; revealing at least 174 people under the age of 17 have been killed since 2011 and at least 1,665 shot.

“As Chicago’s crime rates live up to their national notoriety, a closer look at the problem reveals an alarming number of minors are being shot or killed in the crossfire. Grieving families and fractured communities often feel like they’ve been forgotten by authorities when investigations dry up and no one is held accountable for the violence. Hurt siblings, relatives and friends, unable to cope, sometimes turn toward crime themselves as the cycle continues,” writes Fox News.

The statistics may be even worse than reported, with the Tribune noting that over 7% of shooting data “does not include age,” meaning the death toll may be higher than reported .

“We can’t survive another year of mayhem,” Rep. Danny K. Davis, D-Ill., told Fox News. “The stress and strain of it is so great. Everyone seems to be on different pages and there are constant crosses and difficult situations to bear.”

Read the full report at Fox News.