Freedom Over Democracy

So Brandon asked a question and it interests me.

“Are you ready to choose freedom over democracy, because that’s America?”

The media is treating as further evidence of being mental or another “gaffe”?

But is it?

I say “Yes, and we did when we chose to form a republic. When we chose to make ratification of the Constitution contingent on passage of the Bill of Rights.”

If it is time to choose, then yes, I choose freedom over tyranny of the majority.

Good job, Brandon. If you meant it.


I will take freedom from majority rule any day.

Greatest three words Biden ever said.


Damn skippy I do.


It’s time as @conan said…years ago…to dismantle the FBi and our federal agencies who have become nothing more than a political weapon of our federal political establishment who works AGAINST…“we the people” and actual “freedom”.


Well the French First Republic chose democracy over freedom and liberty and we all saw how that turned out.

I’ll take freedom please.


I don’t really think he knows what the hell he is even saying

One thing is for sure he has no idea of what these concepts really are. He only knows how they serve him.


Freedom with a side of fries, please. lol


I suppose that depends on what side you’re on. For Conservatives the minority rights seem important since Gerrymandering and the very makeup of the electoral college and the Senate heavily favor rural voters and thus, Conservatives. “Tyranny of the minority”, so to speak.

If you game the system, you never have to win an election to hold power here. Pretty neat system if you don’t have majority support of the voters.

But here is the thing, the minority takes these advantages and implements laws that severely restrict the rights of the majority. And when the majority attempts to use the power of their vote to fix these transgressions against them, they are called tyrants. Granted, a Republic is just a form of Democracy, but it is Democracy all the same.

In other words, if the game is slanted towards you and you still lose, that is on you, not on the disadvantaged players that still win. And that isn’t tyranny, that is you sucking at the game.


But the alternative is objective tyranny of the majority. Urban areas should not dictate to the rural minority. The causes and concerns are totally different and incompatible.


You meant " FWEEDOM" didn’t you?

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The thing is, no one is doing that to the rural folks. Rural folks have always benefitted from Urban voters. Electrification, water, internet are all available no matter how remote you live. Rural voters and citizens are romanticized and supported for the most part. And we could care less what you choose reproductively, who you choose to date or marry, how you choose to live or die, or what you ingest.

But for some reason, Rural folks in power have a lot to say about Urban people in these regards, and legislate accordingly. And if the Urban folks want to get out to vote, the Rural folks make it as hard as possible to vote to lower turnout. Urban/Blue States are largely donor states, while largely Rural states tend to take in more Federal funds than they contribute. But it is the Rural states who whine about paying for things (like child or health care) when they aren’t contributing any surplus funds.

The Rural states have had and will always have an outsized influence in this country, it is the way we are built. You guys can win and have won the Presidency multiple times without winning a majority of the votes. You have won supermajorities in state legislative bodies despite losing the popular vote in the state as well. Happens all the time.

You aren’t victims. You have been given every advantage and when you actually lose despite this, you cry about tyranny and Civil War. It is entitled and short sighted.



No. I call for actual freedom. No government. No oppressors. No elite. No inequality. Every man is a man and every woman is a woman.


I’ve never called for civil war. I’m just terrified of the majority. Because I’m a racial and political minority.

And those urbanites sure do call to restrict my right to bear arms. Even though it doesn’t affect them.


No one wants your guns. It always comes down to that, doesn’t it? You have tens of thousands of people dying every year from guns. It is the leading cause of death of children in this country. Democrats wish to limit access to guns when it comes to criminals, illegals, insane people or stalkers. They want background checks to make sure weapon purchases are to folks who can safely use them and not the aforementioned. No confiscations needed. And it won’t happen, you and I know this because there is no middle ground here, Gun Lovers in this country are so driven that any compromise is impossible. So it becomes just a cost of being an American, in order for the gun lover to feel secure thousands die and that is just the way it is.

I get it. America offers many opportunities and one major disadvantage, you stand a decent chance of being shot and there isn’t much we can do about it.


That sort of idealism and detachment isn’t realistic though, is it? Is there any country in the world that can offer what you seek?

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No. Anarchism died with Bakunin and the defeat of the Socialist Revolutionaries in Russia.

But it is the only true freedom. Everything else is one group of self appointed elites trying to oppress someone.


Interesting. Maybe “the game” isn’t slanted after all?

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I don’t agree with any of that. You ever been rural?


That’s not true torey, and you know it. Stop.


Right, so you have to be content to getting as close as you can.