Fraud in Medicare/Medicaid vs Private Insurance?

You found data from countries the size of Rhode Island with homogeneous populations and that changed your mind? I find that hard to believe.

I’ve long debunked the population and demographic disparity arguments. Yawn.

No you haven’t. You simply chose to ignore them to rationalize your desired outcome.

But yawn is right.


I’ve had a hard time finding that as well, which is one of the reasons I started this thread so maybe others would have better luck. Personally my thoughts on this is that one of the biggest challenges under a MFA system would be policing fraud being that they would be the only “sheriff” in town. The way it is now most private healthcare is regional and hence have relations with the healthcare providers. Maybe I’m wrong but it would seem like that would be a big challenge under an MFA system. Also if everyone here illegally is going to be covered under this that would seem to increase the likelihood of additional fraud in this system.

Let’s test this premise:

Country Population (in millions) $/capita
Norway 5.258 $6,351.30
Netherlands 17.08 $5,385.70
Canada 36.71 $4,826.30
UK 66.02 $4,245.50
France 67.12 $4,902.10
Japan 126.8 $4,717.30
United States 325.7 $10,209.40

So, we can go from Norway (5x the population of RI) to Netherlands (17x RI) to Canada (35x RI) to UK (60x RI) to Japan (125x RI) and what do we see? It’s actually the opposite of the conservative argument. As the size of the country increases, the cost of their health care decreases. In fact, out of all of the countries listed, the UK with the system that has the most government control is actually the cheapest. It’s not until we get to the United States that the trend completely goes out the window.

It seems like a mix of curing intimidation without curing ignorance results in Dunning-Kruger effect.

It’s a high priority for the FBI already and that certainly wouldn’t change. At this link below are nearly two thousand articles from the FBI on health care fraud cases;

Irony. Love it.

Like I said.

It must suck to have one’s precious argument utterly destroyed.