Fraud in Medicare/Medicaid vs Private Insurance?

I see no compelling reason to replace insurance by companies with insurance by one giant monopolistic government. Not sure that fraud would be the difference though. Insurance companies can be defrauded too.

Not one?

Well, there is the benefit of making the populace even more dependent on government.

This thread is about medicare and Medicaid fraud not about Congress investigating trump or the republicans. There must be a thousand posts here where that issue can be discussed…right?:wink:

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The reduced overhead from hospitals and providers like billing costs is estimated at $500 billion in savings a year. Then there’s the fact that hundreds of billions in rent-seeking profits won’t be extracted. Then there’s the money saved from a reduced need to advertise.

And then, you know, tens of thousands won’t die prematurely a year due to lack of coverage.

Hundreds of thousands won’t go bankrupt a year due to medical bills.

But yeah, no reason at all to get rid of our rent-seeking, for-profit private system.

Much better than being dependent on for-profit insurance companies that have a financial motive to pay as few claims as possible.


Much better.

Polls showed that the majority of people who had health insurance were happy with what they had. That’s why Obama had to lie that they would be able to keep their health insurance if they wanted to do so in order to pass Obamacare.
There is not reason to destroy a system that works for most people to fix it for those for whom it doesn’t work.

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Well, if the majority of people are happy, who cares about the people who get screwed! No reason at all to address those problems!

The type of system we have is the very reason millions are getting screwed. It’s time to get rid of it.

Indeed, in every way.


If one person breaks a leg you don’t put everyone in a cast. You fix that one persons problem.

And make everybody else pay for it.

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Everyone else will benefit from the better system.

Less complicated.
No ■■■■■■■■ concept of networks.
More freedom associated with movement of labor as health benefits aren’t tied to a job.
Promoting entrepreneurial efforts (see above).
Simplifying HR as one less thing to have to worry about in terms of labor competition.

and on and on.

Everyone’s already paying for it. And paying more because of the ■■■■■■ system we have.

Ok, if you say so.

You can keep your doctor and your insurance. The only difference most people will notice is they will pay $2,500 less per year.

■■■■ a campaign slogan based on napkin math (literally).

My assertions are based on empirical data, multiple studies and several developed nations’ who have the results to back it up.

No they aren’t. They are based on your desired outcome.


My “desired outcome” changed because I looked at the data and it was overwhelming. I held a libertarian view on health care up until around 2013 or 2014.