Frank Luntz and why the term "Concentration camp" works

No I didn’t. I was at a labor Union meeting. I am going to have to look it up.

Until you ask the question, why the overcrowding?

Poor use of resources.

Both true, and it’s not hyperbolic in the least to say so.

This guy doesn’t even think he can get a fair day in court from a judge with Mexican ancestry.

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Would less crossings alleviate the situation, maybe?

That’s discipline in messaging in a nutshell.

That is also why when someone steps out of the messaging bubble they seem so strange. McCain and Amash come to mind.

Secretary Jeh Johnson said that under the Barack Obama administration, they did detain some children alone and some families together, two policies for which Donald Trump has been widely blamed.

Johnson told host Chris Wallace that they “thought it was necessary at the time,” and that it is still is.

Now, did Trump do it more? Yes.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: There’s no way you believe that.

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A couple of years ago when the GOP controlled Congress there was a bipartisan immigration bill that funded the wall and started to address the immigration issue that would have gone a long way to avoiding what is going on right now.

Whatever happened to that bill?

They probably got new polling data.

Again, he said they held children who were unaccompanied. They expanded family detention to handle the rising number of families crossing.

If the child was from Mexico they were just sent back across the border. If they were from another non-contiguous country they couldn’t do that by law.

Now, did folks take advantage of that? Sure.

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I don’t give the DNC as much credit as you give them.

Also if there was a doubt, not just unaccompanied.

Good thread torey.

That seems reasonable, looking out for the kid.

Thanks, Sneaky. I don’t start a lot of threads because I just don’t like to post the same stuff that is out there and there’s already a lot of repetition.

But the whole purpose and utility of messaging and the Dem’s reluctance to implement are more systematic approach like the GOP is interesting to me. Luntz is interesting to me.

Of course it does. :wink:

You realize the nature of the illegals has changed, right?

Internment or concentration camps are the most accurate historical comparisons.

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Emotionally, the term Concentration Camps resonates more and should be used.

That too, it is both valid and useful.