FoxNews Breathlessly Pushes Crazy Moon Narrative

I was about to concede the point.

However, you watched a recording too, unless you were watching through a telescope.

Naw, I’ll concede the point. Looking at something with your eyes is the same as using your eyes to view something on your television screen.

What did he say when he first set foot on the moon?

“We win! Eat it Russia!”


Sure. I’ll accept the schrodinger’s cat argument for the flag on the moon.


No, the original broadcast was not a recording, it was live.

That broad cast was certainly recorded in real time as well but the broadcast of the event was live.

Wernher von Braun was a German (and, later, American) he was the father of rocket technology and space science in the United States.

Winning what race?

Dude… c’mon… I know you dig in to win internet points but one can predict with good certainty knowing the materials and the conditions what the outcome will be.

Nylon exposed to radiation for half a decade would not last.

It is silly to say that it wouldn’t

We had several thousands of people working to get our space program started. Von Braun was an American citizen when he went to work on the space program and had been for some time.

He was the father of modern rocket science and his designs are still the standard by which all others are measured.

It took the combined efforts of hundreds of thousands of Americans to make that moonshot a success.

Race to the top of the mountain, I mean moon.

Source for this?

Everything I’ve read says it was made out of nylon.

You might want to do a quick google search on that claim my man.

No, it was nylon.

As we know… metal waves back and forth as it is being erected in the vacuum of space.

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To what end do you ask these basic questions?

I think that’s actually right. I thought i remembered the original being aluminum but I can’t confirm it.

Either way, we have no record of bleaching or decay of a nylon flag in similar conditions so again, it’s all speculation.

Von Braun’s designs are primitive by today’s standards but his input was vital. No only to the Apollo program but to the entire US space program.

We would have been years behind without him.


Hey, good on you WR for conceding a point.

My research says it was a nylon flag with an aluminium pole. So that might be what you’re thinking about.

It doesn’t matter.