Fox news caught running fake photos

Sure. Jjust like that.


CNN was caught using a fake picture of a beach in Brazil and trying to pass it off as Jacksonville Florida not that long ago , to accuse people of packing the beaches during the pandemic.

Do we know the chain of custody of the published photoshopped image? Do we know that it was not presented to Fox by a freelance journalist in it’s photoshopped form under the submitter’s pretext of it being a recent photo?

Do we know if the journalist was paid by Soros?


Media needs to stop with this kind of hype. If they can’t find it “in the wild” they create it and it wrong.

None of the media can be considered news anymore. They are nothing more than full time paid influencers outside of IG or any other social media.

It’s all about getting the numbers instead of getting the actual story any more.

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LOL. They have entire teams who’s job is to check ■■■■ like that.

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FOX is learning from CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and other news source/outlets.

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It was Soros himself. No one else is evil enough to have pulled it off.


This is literally the first time Fox has ever done this, and it was literally never done before the history of the press before CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, and other news source/outlets did it. Never.

(inb4-“lib thing”)

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Well both can be bad, the media lying to pander to their audience and an elected government ceding a part of their city to poorly organized agitators are both scary condemnations of our culture.

So, you don’t know.

Fox knows, and they knew when the published them. They are willfully misrepresenting the news. Lying in other words. Caught red-handed and you are making excuses for them. Keep carrying their water though, you go right ahead.

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Has Fox News come out with an explanation? How do you know what it is they know?

An explanation? Are you serious? You think they would actually admit to anything more than “mistakes were made?”


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Why not?

Because they don’t say one more word than they are absolutely forced to that’s why.

Wouldn’t be any different for me. It was wrong of them to do. Same would apply to CNN.

Paul Ryan’s a dolt

Not the first time…Fox also likes to change the Party affiliation of Republicans when they get caught in scandals.

Another example…