Fox News cancels Lou Dobbs' show; pro-Trump host not expected to be back on air

He didn’t say they are. A target for the Wokies.

They could.

Sometimes just lifting the hand is as good as a smack and leaves no mark.

Fox numbers have been sliding anyway since they started going in a more liberal direction.

This will make the slide worse. I still like our host Hannity and a few others but there are some folks on there now you couldn’t pay me to watch.

Alternate conservative sites are enjoying increases in their numbers.

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It is nuts to think of reality as a liberal/conservative conflict.


Media and big tech together.

They just barely pulled it off at that.

I am glad it worked out as it did.

I like the bragging too.

So that’s a firm no, they have done no such thing. Nor have they threatened to.

You like that circle back rhetoric.

And you like to make assertions that can’t be backed up

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Yeah, so?

Media and big oil on the other side.

I like the bragging too. If Republicans were smart, they’d realize the enemy just gave them their battle book.

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Well said

I especially liked the “reality” part.

Same here.

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Exactly. I watch about 1/3 as much as i was. Dobbs was one of them. Now there’s less I will watch…

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I liked Lou too.

I actually liked Lou back when he was on CNN. At least when he wasn’t demonizing immigrants. Don’t what happened to him. He’s a classic argument against the notion of getting wiser with age.

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You don’t get it. Democrats aren’t allowed to fight back. They’re suppose to take it on the chin and not respond.

Why does this remind me of the MyPillow guy wanting a permanent Twitter ban?

I thought he was out there with a cranky old man attitude.

I also liked him about that time. I thought that he was pretty level-headed. So I was shocked when he went all sideways for the con man. I really thought that he was smarter then that. But then I look at the Trump supporters in my family. They are level headed people. And when I say con man, it doesn’t seem to register. It seems that the only thing that matters is that there is a R after his name and the other stuff be damned.

Well said. The R closed the deal regardless of it being DJT