For those of you who still defend Islam at all costs

First let me say this…again. Since your new sources are also in love with Islam, you won’t hear this from them. So I will provide this public service to you at no charge.

Now. Wouldn’t you expect the most common name for rape suspects in Germany to be Gunther, Deter or maybe Hinrich? Well surprise! It’s Mohammad! It appear that your beloved religion of peace is also the religion of rape. Defend away libs!

They’re very rapey. The whole middle eastern region is perverted and inbred like that. These aren’t outliers.


Correct. Then they charge the victim with adultry.

It’s not just that. It’s used as punishment on males too. Over half the males in that region have been gang raped at least once in their miserable lives.

As they say over there: “Girls are for babies, boys are for fun!”

Isn’t that a feature in the Ozarks too?

What a stupid post.

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I don’t think it’s ever been culturally accepted over here like it is in the near east. There’s a difference.

The world is full of drooling, cannibal mutants.

Having gay sex is illegal under Islam. Unless of course it’s rape. Then it’s policy


Died from AIDS

Hey, don’t leave your kid alone in a Catholic Church, either!

Even Space Aliens are Enculturationed En-Cult-u-ration, like stray dogs in the alley. Even primitive Troglodytes and Insect colonies. Total Immersion.

Hey, If it was up to Islam all Catholics would be dead anyway. BTW. My girls were raised in the Catholic church. No issues. Go back to space. :yum:

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