For the woodworkers, discussion etc

I have the lockmiter bit but havent used it yet. I plan on using to when i buld a new flight for the finches…

All my pictures are back in Washington state…if I ever get back I’ll show some of my work.


Made the number one mistake on that farmhouse sink. :wink:

Whats the mistake? Not making it flush with the top of the countertop?

Pushed back too far. Sink should have came forward at least 3/4 of inch or more.

Whole purpose of those farmhouse sinks is you’re not bent/leaning over the sink…specially if you’re barefoot and pregnant. :wink:

Here are pictures/link of does and don’t. It seems lots of people make that mistake.

Other then that Vaard…nice work.

I followed the manufacturer guide for placement. The corners of the sink should be right at the edge of the countertop…

Those are all non metal sinks…

That’s not manufacture picture…it’s picture they use that installed it wrong.

Next time I’m in Cin I’ll post a pict the right way you should install.

Again the purpose of those sinks is you’re not leaning over it. You can use it while your back remain straight/vertical position.

as I said, nice work. :wink:

Lol :))

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Everyone of their metal sinks the corner is flush…

From their website…

Then they don’t know the history or origins of the sink…they’re just follow a latest trend. Common mistake.

Sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything. As I said nice work.

How thick are those shelves and supports?

awesome work.

How do you quote work like this? Or are you time and material on things like this?

@conan should be in here! I believe he is a wood worker as well!

Jeez… just invited you to the thread, and you are already here!

damn, that is a clean shop…

And great work! On the epoxy tops…build a form and pour?

I would think it’s too thick for epoxy to cure…but I haven’t worked much with the stuff since my surfing days.

I did pour fill a bass with a epoxy. I’ll post pics…

love it.