Follow the (political) science

Nope, I have no problem with that. I just asked if providing examples from the media reporting on how omicron is different from previous variants was supposed to be some sort of “gotcha”.

Desantis speech and breathing pattern is not normal in this video. Maybe it’s nothing.

He should have it checked out. This may explain his 2 weeks absence?

The “Science” the media pushes is always political. Even such things as ice age mammals being eaten by man was pushed during the population bomb scare. Now most recognize that 2/3 of ice age mammals died out before man showed up in their area.

Or the Dinosaurs died because of a large meteor causing a “Nuclear” winter, back when dems were anti-nuke for the sake of the USSR. Now most think it was prolonged volcanic activity.

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Well this is a new conspiracy theory I hadn’t heard yet.


Does the right believe that too?

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No, it’s just the way pop science actually influences the average people in Govt, media and research. Kind of like Russian Collusion. A hysteria develops because people want to believe, and are aided in such beliefs by those with an agenda taking advantage … No conspiracy. It’s right in your face.

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Kind of like the belief that the 2020 election was stolen?

The end of the 2020 election night was statistically impossible. Brandon was installed. That’s why they fight the audits so much…

"A hysteria develops because people want to believe, and are aided in such beliefs by those with an agenda taking advantage " :wink:

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There have been audits and they all confirm the results of the election.

No, they have not been done right. And the dem’s in power changed the laws during the elections, while the courts hid behind standing.

How should they be done? Cyber Ninjas didn’t know what they were doing?


How about we return to paper ballots that can be counted instead of digital stuff which can be hacked or changed?

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Then shouldn’t the left and it’s media work to make sure republicans believe the outcomes of elections instead of yelling conspiracy theory and kook?

The voting machines generate a paper record that is used to audit the vote.

How about we return to paper ballots that can be counted instead of digital stuff which can be hacked or changed?

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They did. But republicans stuck their fingers in the ears and when “Nah nah nah”.

No, they didn’t. The dems sent lawyers to stall and confused stuff.

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