Follow the (political) science

Neither CNN, MSNBC, or ABC are Marxist, in fact they are the antithesis of Marxist since their goal is to make profits.

Nor are they anymore an arm of the Democratic Party then Fox or OAN are arms of the Republican Party. You guys are your growing piles of conspiracy theories…

So how is reporting how Omicron is different then previous variants a gotcha?

There’s no problem, I just don’t understand why the OP thinks they have a point. Are you anti-science?

If she’s going through chemo, her immune system will be compromised. I would suggest she be careful about covid. That means get vax, wear masks, social distancing. Her immediate family should do the same if they plan on visiting her.

That wasn’t the point of I responded to. We all know it was meant as a slam against DeSantis for being “absent”. It was a low jab.


Are you a doctor? Are you her doctor.

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Why? Are you going to say he’s hiding and not responding to great covid surge?

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No to both.

Just a caring person.

She’s already going through cancer. She doesn’t need Covid too.

Then you don’t really know what she “needs”, do you?

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I don’t. Just a regular guy on a forum giving opinion. Just like everyone here.


About a family’s personal medical struggles that you have absolutely no first hand information about.


Was your comment based on science?

Why do you believe that she and her husband are not vaccinated?

My comment was an observation and criticism of the OP.

So is that a yes …you are anti science?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :+1:

I am not anti-science. Are you?

I can tell you are a true believer.

I bet you were a champion of the “Am not; you are!” battles on the schoolyard. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


I’m more from the “I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you” generation.

You’ve still failed to actually clarify why you were asking in the first place. I’m pro-science, why would you think otherwise?

Because you seem to have a problem with the OP providing examples from the media reporting on how omicron is different from previous variants, that’s why.