Fluke Reuters Poll Shows GOP Leading on Generic Congressional Ballot

The GOP will gain in the Senate.

they might, they might lose some seats…your prediction is meaningless

Fluke? The polls have slowly been going more and more towards favoring the republicans for the last six months.

I think most people are just finally starting to see what a sham job the Major media and DNC have been trying to put over on them.

As is yours. :smiley: For the record I think the gop will narrowly hold the house and come out with about 56 senators.

Who wants a tax raise and massive immigration… Cal is talking about free health care for illegals…

cool…lots can happen between now and then but the main thing will be the economy…

I agree…

That is correct. The Cook Political Report moved four seats towards Rs. First time they have done that.

Guys like Sean Trende from RCP and others whose job it is to analyze polling and such are all saying things are changing right now.

Of course, we are still months away from voting so a lot could change again. Most pollsters say things really start to matter in September once more people are engaged and paying attention to issues.

I do agree with those who say Ds have been overplaying their hand. They are moving further and further left, with the latest idea being a guaranteed government job for everyone. It’s getting quite ridiculous.

“The left,” which isn’t a thing, is pushing for guaranteed government job for everyone? Please quote “the left” doing this.

This was the last one I saw on Drudge from the other day:

You are right all the way around. The dems have greatly over played their hands and it is going against them.

You are also correct that things could shift again. Time will tell but for now it is swinging against them.

Bernie Sanders is most definitely “the left”. And he’s got support from other Ds.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will announce a plan for the federal government to guarantee a job paying $15 an hour and health-care benefits to every American worker “who wants or needs one,” embracing the kind of large-scale government works project that Democrats have shied away from in recent decades.

Sanders’s jobs guarantee would fund hundreds of projects throughout the United States aimed at addressing priorities such as infrastructure, care giving, the environment, education and other goals. Under the job guarantee, every American would be entitled to a job under one of these projects or receive job training to be able to do so, according to an early draft of the proposal.


No, he is a person on the left.

Yes, the nice thing about the Russia probe it all other news is mostly ignored. People can tell how well the economy is doing without the media…

I’m personally not going to make any predictions about what the makeup of Congress will be next year at this point. It’s way too early. Yes, I think Trump will be a factor - but mainly at getting out the opposition vote. Balance that against the advantage that incumbents usually have, and it’s anyone’s guess at this point. Additionally, while Congress as a whole has low ratings, people generally like “their” representative and senators. So, you can’t look at just one factor - no matter how good or bad that factor may be.

Yep, Bernis isn’t an outlier in the party any more. he’s becoming a mainstream Democrat.

The problem for them is many Americans are not nearly so left wing.

It’s very scary that their party is going so far left. If those people gain control we could eventually wind up like Venezuela.

You guys can’t make up your minds.

If he’s so mainstream why would those in charge of the party do all the horrible things righties accuse then ignore doing si Clinton got the nomination.

H a so mainstream he’s not even I the plumber art. The fact Dems allow him to switch when running the nomination pisses me off.

We have one gubernatorial candidate in GA (Stacey Abrams) that won the Democratic nomination by stating that she would be running hard to the far left base as her strategy so that she wouldn’t need the votes of moderates or folks that were dissatisfied with Trump on the right. I think that is going to be her undoing, but she won the nomination with about 75% of the vote against a candidate who was going to try to glean voters from the middle and those on the right (like myself) who are dissatisfied with Trump.

We will see. Some were forecasting GA would go for Hillary too but when the time came they were wrong.