Floyd was dead anyway. Who knew?

I’m basing mine on your posts.


I’m sure the both ME will explain their reports at the trial.
I wouldn’t go with the drug defense if I was the the officers though.

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The OP paraphrasing something they saw on tucker carlsons show…over the link I shared.

Cool. Cool.

Yep. Have a good day.

Tucker would never lie.

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Its not even about that.

It’s about the fact that we can all use google, or we can listen to the guy swirling his ice at the end of the bar.

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No, actually I played it back several times. It’s almost word for word. Except the last part, that was mine…

Thank you for shedding light on this.

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Not me. I literally almost copied Tucker word for word. I’m glad to put it here for all to opine on though. I was ready to hang that cop, and maybe he’s still going to, but why was this info not out there already? Now that to me is the 64,000 dollar question.

A knee on the neck for nine minutes will result in a fentanyl overdose,

Who knew?


Same here, it’s an embarrassing idea to be caught up in a lib lie. No love lost for that cop though.

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If you think Tucker would go on national TV and make this up, you are seriously deluded. Outright lies are the stuff CNN is made of.

Are you suggesting the two medical reports are fake?

Nope, but if it turns out the drugs were a contributing factor then America better be prepared for a lot more riots…That verdict will never be accepted.

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A fentanyl / meth overdose can result in a cop knee on the neck.

Everybody knows.

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How does this information by Tucker Carlson justify the officer’s actions?

I’m suggesting there appears to be a conflict of opinions between people who know more about causes of death than me or you, or anyone else in this forum.

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He was overdosing anyway.

So putting a knee too the neck until dead was the predetermined outcome.

I won’t have any love lost for dead rioters either. Actions have consequences.

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I didn’t say it did. But perhaps the knee in the neck would not have been fatal with the drugs in his system. I’m not saying they did, just raising possible defense claims.