Flight Risk (2025 Movie)

I saw the Mel Gibson-directed action/thriller Flight Risk, and it wasn’t a bad movie.

I liked the pacing in a tight setting. Also, Mark Wahlberg delivered a devilish performance as the bad guy.

However, the film could had used some more tension and action.

I give it a grade of an B-.

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Not a wahlberg fan, but he was fine. Think of his performance as a mashup of his acting/character in Fear, and deniro in Cape Fear.

That said, the script was awful. The characters repeatedly made stupid decisions and some completely unbelievable plot devices made it not very good at all.

You can figure out my rating.

Save your money for Love Hurts, Companion, Novacaine or The Amateur coming soon.

Not seen it but I suspect I will agree with you. A very by the numbers action movie.

I will check it out when it hits streaming.