FLASHBACK: Comey Threatens ‘HUGE TROUBLE’ for FBI Agents Who Use GMAIL

Originally published at: FLASHBACK: Comey Threatens ‘HUGE TROUBLE’ for FBI Agents Who Use GMAIL | Sean Hannity

Former FBI Director James Comey found himself in hot-water Thursday after the IG report detailed his repeated use of a private gmail account to conduct bureau business; raising serious questions over his decision regarding Hillary’s private email server.

According to CNBC, Comey was singing a different tune in the summer of 2016, when he threatened FBI agents with “huge trouble” should they use private email accounts to transfer FBI-related emails, even with fellow colleagues.

"If I did what Hillary Clinton did I’d be in huge trouble,” asked an FBI employee.

“If you used a personal email, Gmail or if you [had] the capabilities to set up your own email domain, if you used an unclassified personal email system to do our business in the course of doing our business even though you were communicating with people with clearances and doing work you discussed classified matters in that, in those communications, TS/SCI, special access programs, you would be in huge trouble in the FBI,” Comey said.

Read the full story at CNBC.

Again a two tier system…one for you and one for me.