FLASHBACK: Bernie Sanders Warns of ‘Existential’ Climate Crisis in 1989, Blames ‘Acid Rain’

Originally published at: FLASHBACK: Bernie Sanders Warns of ‘Existential’ Climate Crisis in 1989, Blames ‘Acid Rain’ | Sean Hannity

Vermont Senator and potential 2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders warned the nation of the threats posed by “acid rain” and the “destruction of the o-zone layer” back in 1989, saying the country faced a pressing “existential crisis.”

“Climate change is the existential crisis of our time. Why isn’t this something we talk about on the news every day?” posted Sanders on social media.

Climate change is the existential crisis of our time. Why isn't this something we talk about on the news every day? pic.twitter.com/O8t0Zsa3ZR

— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) March 11, 2019

“We face, as all people know, an ecological crisis in our time. Whether it’s acid rain, the destruction of the o-zone layer, the greenhouse effect,” said Sanders.