FISA FALLOUT: Devin Nunes DEMANDS ANSWERS Over FBI’s Use of ‘Trump Dossier’ | Sean Hannity

House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes is demanding answers over the DOJ’s use of the infamous ‘Trump Dossier’ to obtain FISA warrants against the Trump campaign; sending more than a dozen scathing letters to US officials requesting information about the debunked document.

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I think we all know that Devin “Treason Weasel” Nunes can go straight to hell, right?

That is common knowledge, correct?

Nunes has zero credibility, soooooo… there’s that.

Thug lefty supports the thug left

Like your thug left party?

Just because one can recognize lack of credibility doesn’t automatically make them a supporter of the left. Marching lockstep like a sheep with one party has never been my forte.