FISA abuse report coming soon?

No collusion. please open your mind to what is really what

here, from dan bongino:

Sending Trump polling data to Russia isn’t colluding?

What reason would they need that valuable data? Would they also send that data to the Hillary campaign?

I see, based on one person’s opinion, I am to believe that there is no collusion.
That must settle it.
If I found someone with the opinion that it was collusion, does that cancel the other’s opinion out? Or is this Dan Bongino’s opinion as strong as the Supreme Court’s opinion? Meaning, it is the rule of the land.

Wanna make sure in case this fellow’s name pops up again.

i guess youre just ignoring that mueller found no collusion

if you found some please let him know. it might not be too late

lol. didnt open the link i see

mueller found no collusion. snap out of it

If one reads the Mueller report, one would find that the legal term “collusion” is meaningless.

What couldn’t be proven was a criminal conspiracy, though in the report there were described multiple instances of what we could call “collusion”… including the information that is coming to light in the Roger Stone trial.

you might call it “collusion” but mueller couldn’t

The Mueller report was concerned with legal

The difference between “collusion” and “criminal conspiracy” is spelled out in the first few pages and the reasoning is given as to why talking about “collusion” as an illegal act in this case is nonsense

But in the colloquial way that “collusion” is used… there are multiple instances of it spelled out in the report, including the information that is coming to light in the Roger Stone trial.

Collusion. Is. Not. A. Criminal. Charge.

I’m asking your opinion, not Muellers.

didnt say it was

amazing how the word “collusion” is no longer meaningful after the meuller report

it’s like no one remembers what the media railed on about for months

Because for some, when presented new and more compelling information change how things are described to come into line with being correct.

Who said it wasn’t meaningful? Mueller said it wasn’t criminal, but something doesn’t have to be criminal to be meaningful

“New and compelling” meaning “that won’t work”.

“Meaningful” is a feeeeeling.

So are ethics, does that mean we shouldn’t identify things that are unethical?

Well done. You don’t get to decide for me. Or Trump. He owes you nothing.

Those Soviet style secret grand juries

i come to the same conclusion that the multimillion dollar many dozen subpoenaed breathlessly media hyped investigation did - no collusion

but i knew it before the investigation because the whole conspiracy is absurd

but enough about being a thinking man