Finally, an actual INFRASTRUCTURE WEEK

Oh hell yes you do. :wink:

New York is the economic engine that supports red taker states.

And if you’re talking about the Portal Bridge, it has nothing to do with the subway.

Hey, if it was such a big deal, where was the complaint back in '93 when the tax went from 12.7% to 16%. It wouldn’t have to be done in one year. They could raise it 5 cent per year for six years and nobody would even notice the difference compared to the pretax price increase by the oil companies and world producers. In the mean time, we would see billions more dollars go into our crumbling roads and highways that are so enormously critical to our economy.

I’m not getting your drift here in context with my post. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I see your point, my response was to the chain in general and more directly addressing @zantax

Just wait until voters see their heating bills this winter.


So I agree with this, insofar as a use tax seems fair. But I would honestly like to hear you square with @WuWei 's point: it does seem that this tax is going to cut working men and women deeper.

Especially in light of this new “gig” economy, where it seems like every third car is a person driving for a living.

User tax is all you need to understand. All working men don’t drive cars to work, and not all drivers on the road are working men. There is no more fair way to fund anything than to have the users pay in proportion to their use.

Okay. You also support per mile tax on EV’s, right?

It’s not about a different view.

It’s about whining about what is in the infrastructure law just passed.


Yes. They need to share the cost.

And how do you propose to monitor mileage?

Big brother government?

I thought you were for less government?


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Okay, thanks.

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Why are you asking me? I’m not a regulation writer. But we have all sorts of taxes and tax deductions that trust the taxpayer to self report, No reason this could not work the same way.

User fees require less government, not more.

HAHAHAHA, uh right. In EVERY thread here if one has a different opinion than the hive mindset they are dismissed, ridiculed, and insulted. Tell me I am wrong!!!

Not every thread. this is about what passed. Not different views.

And all we have here is cons whining about EVs


And all you are doing is whining about what you label as whining. :roll_eyes:

Physician, heal thyself.

you misspelled “weak” in the title. thats what this bill is, “infrastructure weak”

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Lol! Just as predicted the GOP will be happy to take credit for a bill they voted against.

The newly passed infrastructure bill, signed into law by President Biden, includes legislation introduced by Congressman Gary Palmer (AL-06) and Congressman David Trone (MD-06) that will provide critical funding to help complete the Northern Beltline. The provision in the infrastructure bill was inserted from the Finish the Appalachian Development Highway System (ADHS) Act and would provide $1.25 billion for construction of incomplete sections of the ADHS.

you must have missed that palmer introduced the provision. he supported the provision, not the whole bill