Finally, an actual INFRASTRUCTURE WEEK

It’s telling that I can find no actual thread on this topic here.

So after years of endless “INFRASTRUCTURE WEEKS” during the last administration, Biden and the Democrats (and Republicans) have passed a (bipartisan) infrastructure bill.

Here’s an overview:

If you’re a Democrat/liberal/lefty, are you happy/angry/resigned? If you are a Republican, do you think that this legislation will, say, give Democrats enough tools to totally destroy the country by doing socialism? Is any of it acceptable? What do people think?

What does this have to do with 2nd Amendment?

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7.5 billion for electric vehicle charging stations. The anti EV crowd just lost their favorite argument LOL!

Probably an error.


Is that the new objection to EVs? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I think the chickens will come home to roost. Thanks Ms. Marg.


Just think it’s funny. Don’t you?


I remember when we had drive ins with speakers for every car

Please explain. There’s an actual piece of legislation that we can discuss.

How much do you know what is buried in it? I was applauding you for starting this thread. Thanks Ms Marg.

Okay. We have an actual piece of legislation (good, bad, whatever) to discuss and you post this picture of Tesla charging stations in Wokingham, England. Thanks for the contribution!

You’re welcome. I just hope their is better planing.

The bill leaves out Biden’s proposal to spend $400 billion to bolster caregiving for aging and disabled Americans – the second largest measure in the American Jobs Plan.

I’m disappointed at how much was taken out. But something is better than nothing.

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I did the first time I saw it, yes.

Yeah, who the ■■■■ wants to help caregivers for the elderly, anyway? It’s just far too much to ask . . .


I agree. Let’s see what crap is buried in the middle of the bill. Looks like a Cuomo COVID Graveyard, to me.

About time infrastructure is actually being seriously discussed.

Trump failed on this point, Biden gets credit.

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The government is not the solution to the problem it is the problem.

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Yep it is all Trump’s fault. The 4year Adam pile of Shift and liberals impeachment was Trumps fault too