Finally, an actual INFRASTRUCTURE WEEK

No one is betting against America other than this incompetent president and socialists surrounding him.

Conservatives are battling to maintain this nation as a Constitutional Republic as opposed to whatever the hard left is trying to turn it into.

I don’t expect a liberal to recognize or acknowledge that reality or the difference.

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Thanks, I also agree that the SALT deduction should be reinstated as it was before the Trump tax hike.

So, you only see what your partisan perspective allows you to see.

No, it shouldn’t.

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Of course, the age old liberal position of tax breaks for the wealthy


A lot of the folks in NY/NJ/CT area are far from wealthy and yet are being screwed by the change to the SALT deduction.

No sorry if they are hit by SALT they are wealthy, they may have that wealth tied up in real estate but that doesn’t make them poor.


Of course that won’t happen. Tennessee and Ohio farmers need blue state subsidies.


By who? Seems an awful lot like the fedgov subsidizing a privileged lifestyle.


No, they are not being screwed. That you can deduct any of it is a gift.

SALT should not be deductible at all from federal taxes. They are completely different taxes.

Maybe if SALT wasn’t deductible you virtue signalers would think twice before voting for takers.

You pay SALT because you live in New Jersey. You pay federal tax because you live in the United States.

They got you pacified.


They could let you starve.

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So it’s a food tax?


Sure, if it helps you be less arrogant towards your betters.

You’re right. See, Trump had it figured out.

Complete a major project, like the border wall, and have Mexico pay for it!!

See? Simple!

Arrogant? Me? Perish the thought.

Fix the ny/nj tunnel.!

It’s fixing has been delayed far too long


Fix it yourself with those high SALT. It doesn’t interest the country.


Tough luck. The bill has passed. Doesn’t matter know what the rubes think.


You. Calling someone else a rube.

Spend it quick.

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How many of those other 10 countries have the same land mass as the US, my guess is many of our states are larger than these countries.

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So if we don’t see life thru your lens we are rubes?

Excast is that you?